Research Article |
Corresponding author: Frank Köhler ( ) Academic editor: Thomas von Rintelen
© 2024 Frank Köhler, Richard C. Willan, Adam J. Bourke, Paul Barden, Michael Shea.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Köhler F, Willan RC, Bourke AJ, Barden P, Shea M (2024) A new species of land snail, Xanthomelon amurndamilumila, from the North East Isles off Groote Eylandt (= Ayangkidarrba), Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia (Stylommatophora, Camaenidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 100(1): 61-68.
This paper introduces Xanthomelon amurndamilumila sp. nov., a newly-discovered land snail species inhabiting the North East Isles, offshore from Groote Eylandt (= Ayangkidarrba), north-western Gulf of Carpentaria, in the Northern Territory, Australia. Specimens of this species were first collected during the 2021 Bush Blitz expedition to Groote Eylandt, a large offshore archipelago previously unexplored for land snails. The taxonomic status of the new species was established through a comprehensive analysis of comparative morphology and mitochondrial genetics: X. amurndamilumila forms a maximally supported clade closely related to X. arnhemense and is characterised by a unique combination of morphological characteristics, including smaller shell size, distinctive sculpture of collabral ridges and specific features of its reproductive anatomy. The genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships suggest historical isolation. While the discovery of X. amurndamilumila sp. nov. enriches our understanding of land snail diversity in the Northern Territory, its conservation status is of concern on North East Island because of habitat degradation caused by feral deer.
distribution, Gastropoda, Helicoidea, Pulmonata, taxonomy
The genus Xanthomelon E. von Martens, 1860 comprises several species of Australian camaenid land snail, typically characterised by their large, globose shells of mostly uniform yellowish-brown to ochre colour. The distribution of this genus encompasses the Australian Monsoon Tropics as well as eastern Queensland. Of the 11 currently accepted species of Xanthomelon, five occur in the ‘Top End’ of the Northern Territory, according to the latest revision of the genus (
In contrast, X. arnhemense Köhler & Burghardt, 2016 has a wide distribution, encompassing most of Arnhem Land. However, this species had also remained unrecognised for at least a century due to its highly cryptic nature, even though specimens are well represented in museum collections. However, shells of X. arnhemense are indistinguishable from those of its close ally, X. interpositum Iredale, 1938. Indeed, these two species can be distinguished only through comparative reproductive anatomy or genetics. The previously-poor documentation of Xanthomelon is but one example of how the scarcity of modern systematic studies impairs the documentation of the Territories’ land snail fauna to this day. The recent discovery of another undescribed species of land snail in the Northern Territory, Parglogenia cobourgensis Köhler & Shea, 2022, which had been overlooked for centuries due to its externally cryptic shell, is another example illustrating our slow progress towards a more complete documentation of the land snail fauna of the Northern Territory (
The presumably still incomplete knowledge of Australian land snails also hampers our ability to manage and conserve the fauna that has already been described. Indeed,
To remedy the lack of documentation of biotic patterns throughout the Northern Territory, more systematic studies are urgently needed that employ contemporary methods and analyse evidence from multiple sources of information to reliably identify and delimit species. Oftentimes, new species may be discovered when understudied museum samples are examined, especially by using novel scientific techniques. Parglogenia cobourgensis and Xanthomelon arnhemense are two such species that were discovered in museum collections. Secondly, new discoveries may be made in hitherto under-surveyed areas.
In the present study, we examine newly-collected samples of a presumed new species that were collected on small islets offshore from Groote Eylandt, which were never surveyed for land snails previously. The specimens examined here were first collected in 2021 during the Bush Blitz expedition to Groote Eylandt that aimed to close a pre-existing survey gap for multiple groups of organisms through a targeted survey (
Preliminarily identified in the field by one of us (RCW) as a putative new species of Xanthomelon, we here employ comparative morphology and mitochondrial genetics to resolve its taxonomic status. To ensure an accurate taxonomic assessment, we compare all new data collected on this putative new species with the current knowledge of the Xanthomelon species in the ‘Top End’ as summarised in the latest systematic revision by
The present study is based on samples collected on North East Island (= Amburrkba) and Hawk Island (= Ayangkijirumanja) in the Gulf of Carpentaria during the Bush Blitz on Groote Eylandt conducted in 2021. Additional specimens were collected in 2022 on Lane Island (= Milyekaluwakba) and also on Hawk Island (Fig.
Most of the specimens have been deposited in the malacological collection of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in Darwin (
Material was collected by hand while conducting visual searches of habitats on North East Island, the largest of the North East Isles. Living specimens were fixed and preserved in 95% ethanol. Shells were photographed and reproductive anatomy was studied using a binocular microscope with drawing mirror. Height of shell (H) and diameter (D) of fully mature shells as recognised by a finished apertural lip were measured with callipers precise to 0.1 mm and shell whorls were counted as described by
Genomic DNA was extracted from small pieces of foot muscle using a QIAGEN DNA extraction kit for animal tissue following the standard procedure of the manual. Fragments of two mitochondrial genes, 16S rRNA (16S) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI), were amplified by PCR using the primer pairs 16Scs1 (5′-AAACATACCTTTTGCATAATGG-3′) (
Abbreviations used: 16S = 16S rRNA; COI = cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; H = shell height; D = shell diameter; SD = standard deviation.
The concatenated sequence dataset of COI and 16S contained sequences from 79 individuals representing all the presently known Xanthomelon species (i.e. X. arnhemense, X. darwinense Köhler & Burghardt, 2016, X. distractum Iredale, 1938, X. durvillii (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1840), X. interpositum, X. jannellei (Le Guillou, 1842), X. magnidicum Iredale, 1938, X. obliquirugosum (E. A. Smith, 1894), X. pachystylum (L. Pfeiffer, 1845), X. saginatum Iredale, 1938) and five individuals of the presumed new species of Xanthomelon from the North East Isles (i.e. two from North East Island and three from Lane Island). In addition, we included Quistrachia leptogramma (L. Pfeiffer, 1846) as the outgroup to root the tree. This taxon was selected because Qusitrachia is the sister group of Xanthomelon in the phylogeny of north-western Australian Camaenidae (
The COI sequences had a length of 655 bp and the 16S alignment consisted of 797 base pairs. Several samples missed either a COI or a 16S sequence, but all species were represented by individuals with complete sampling of both markers. ModelTest identified the General Time Reversible model with a gamma distributed rates (GTR+G+I) as the best-fit model of sequence evolution for both the COI and 16S sequences.
The Maximum Likelihood phylogram revealed all sequences of the putatively new species formed a maximally supported clade in a maximally supported sister group relationship with X. arnhemense (Fig.
Maximum Likelihood phylogram based on analysis of a concatenated alignment of partial 16S and COI sequences using IQ-Tree. Numbers on branches indicate nodal support by 10,000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates. Sequences of Quistrachia leptogramma were used to root this tree. Scale bar indicating modelled evolutionary distance of 10%.
Uncorrected p-distances in COI ranged from 0.9% to 1.5% (average: 1.2%) amongst sequences of the putative new species (i.e. intraspecific genetic differentiation) and from 7.9% to 10.4% (average: 8.8%) between sequences of the putative new species and X. arnhemense (i.e. interspecific genetic differentiation). For comparison, the intraspecific p-distances in X. arnhemense ranged from 2.3 to 7.5% (on average 4.8%).
The putative new species from the North East Isles differed from most congeners in having relatively strong collabral ribs on the shell. Collabral ribs are also present in X. durvillii and X. arnhemense, but are considerably weaker in development. We measured 75 specimens of the putative new species (54 from North East Island, 12 from Hawk Island, 9 from Lane Island) and found that the shells on average were significantly smaller than Xanthomelon shells from the closest land mass, which is mainland Groote Eylandt (= X. arnhemense; see
The reproductive anatomy of two specimens from North East Island was examined and found to differ significantly from the reproductive anatomy of X. durvillii, X. interpositum and X. darwinense as depicted by Köhler & Burghardt (2016: fig. 6A-C). Amongst other features, all these species differed most noticeably in having a long epiphallus (1.5 to 3 times longer than penis). By contrast, the epiphallus in specimens from the North East Isles is much shorter relative to the length of the penis (approx. 0.75 of penis length). Both X. jannellei and X. arnhemense have a similar configuration of reproductive organs, particularly lacking a well-developed epiphallus (i.e. epiphallus shorter than penis; see Köhler & Burghardt (2016: fig. 6D-E). Of these two species, X. jannellei is distinguished from the other two species in having a densely pustulated apical portion of the inner penial wall, a feature which is not exhibited by X. arnhemense or the putative new species. Indeed, the putative new species and X. arnhemense do not differ notably in their reproductive anatomy.
Australia • Northern Territory, Groote Eylandt (= Ayangkidarrba), North East Isles, North East Island (= Amburrkba), 13°38'13.2"S, 136°56'34.5"E.
Reproductive anatomy of Xanthomelon amurndamilumila sp. nov., based on dissection of the holotype
North East Isles, North East Island (= Amburrkba),
Reproductive anatomy
The specific name for this new species of land snail, amurndamilumila, comes directly from the Amamalya Ayakwa language spoken by the Anindilyakwa Aboriginal people living on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The word, which was provided by the Groote Eylandt Language Centre in consultation with the authors of this paper, means bumpy or corrugated (as in a sheet of corrugated iron) and it is a reference to the regular collabral ribs that ornament the shell. According to the Groote Eylandt Language Centre, the official pronunciation of the word is a-murn-DA-muhluh-muhla. The name is intended as a noun in apposition. Incidentally, Xanthomelon arnhemense, which is the cognate species living on mainland Groote Eylandt, has the Anindilyakwa name of yimurnderrma (pers. comm. P. Barden).
Xanthomelon amurndamilumila differs from other congeners in the Northern Territory by having well-developed collabral ridges (absent in X. interpositum, X. darwinense and X. jannellei), smaller shell size (larger shells in X. arnhemense, X. durvillii and X. interpositum) and in relative length of the epiphallus (1.5–5 times longer than penis in X. durvillii, X. arnhemense and X. interpositum). Furthermore, X. jannellei differs by having an extensive field of pustules on the apical half of the inner penial wall (refer to comparative morphology above for details and to
Known to occur only on the three islands comprising the North East Isles – North East Island itself (= Amburrkba), Hawk Island (= Ayangkijirumanja) and Lane Island (= Milyekaluwakba) (Fig.
The presence of thousands of long dead Xanthomelon shells scattered on the surface across North East Island suggests deleterious changes in vegetation have occurred sometime during the last 100 years. Current inspection of North East Island shows that it is heavily damaged through over-browsing by feral Javan Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis) (
The mitochondrial phylogeny revealed that the putative new Xanthomelon species on the North East Isles is most closely related to X. arnhemense, which occurs on Groote Eylandt, the large land mass closest to the North East Isles (Fig.
The largely identical reproductive anatomy is testimony to the close phylogenetic relationship between both species. We hypothesise that the putative new species likely diverged from X. arnhemense because of peripatric speciation after an historical event of long-distance dispersal from mainland Groote Eylandt, but that there has been little if any genetic exchange between the two of them subsequently. That both species now form a sister pair of clades in the mtDNA phylogeny shows that there has been a sufficiently long period of isolation to allow any pre-existing ancestral polymorphisms to sort out.
However, comparative morphology provides the strongest arguments for the recognition of the Xanthomelon species presently living on the North East Isles as an independent species. The North East Isles species is characterised by several unique features, which distinguish it from any other species of Xanthomelon, including X. arnhemense (refer to taxonomic description for details).
The close relationship of both species is also evident from their closely similar reproductive anatomy. However, the significant differences in shell size and sculpture in combination with substantial amounts of mitochondrial variation between both taxa are indicative of the existence of largely distinct gene pools in both forms, hence indicative of the distinct species status of the North East Isles species.
We conclude that molecular and morphological data support the conclusion that the Xanthomelon snails from the North East Isles indeed represent a distinct species or an evolutionarily distinct entity, that has a distinct gene pool (as expressed in a consistently distinct morphology) and with a high probability of lacking genetic admixture with X. arnhemense (as expressed in substantial mitochondrial differentiation).
Fieldwork on the North East Isles was conducted as part of the Bush Blitz Groote Eylandt 2021 expedition. Firstly, we thank the Anindilyakwa Traditional Owners of the North East Isles – Freda Wurramarrba and her four sons, Fabian, Ishmael, Hamilton and Veron – for allowing us on-to their land to collect molluscs. We also thank the Anindilyakwa Land and Sea Rangers, specifically, Katie Oxenham and Dan Keynes, for co-ordinating access to the North East Isles during the Bush Blitz survey. Lastly, we are indebted to Kirsten Eden (Indigenous Protected Areas Operations Co-ordinator, Groote Eylandt Language Centre) for organising the collaboration with Traditional Owners and other Anindilyakwa elders that resulted in the selection of the species’ name. Vince Kessner’s opinion that this taxon constitutes a new species of Xanthomelon is greatly appreciated.
All the specimens were collected under CDU Animal Ethic Approval 20013 – Fauna Surveys and Monitoring in the Anindilyakwa Protected Area. Thanks go to two reviewers, John Stanisic and Bernhard Hausdorf, for their constructive comments, which helped to improve the quality of this article.