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Map of localities surveyed in northern Mozambique. Black triangles indicate the mountains sampled during this study and grey triangles show other areas previously sampled in northern Mozambique and southern Malawi. Numbers indicate the following localities: (1) Mt. Chiperone, (2) Mt. Mulanje, (3) Mt. Inago, (4) Serra Jeci, (5) Serra Mecula.

Study area, northern Mozambique sky islands. A – Mount Mabu, B – Mount Namuli, C – Mount M’pàluwé to the left.

A selection of amphibians from northern Mozambique inselbergs. A – Arthroleptis francei (Mt. Namuli,

A selection of reptiles from northern Mozambique inselbergs. A – Nadzikambia baylissi (Mt. Namuli,