Cybaeopsis typicus, male and female from Kunashir Island. A male palp, retrolateral view; B ditto, prolateral view; C ditto, ventral view; D ditto, dorsal view; E epigyne, ventral view; F ditto, posterior view. Photos by Y.M. Marusik Abbreviations: Co = conductor; Da 1–4 = dorsal apophyses of tibia; Em = embolus; Ll = lateral lobe; Ma = median apophysis; Pto = prolateral tegular outgrowth; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis; Rto = retrolateral tegular outgrowth; St = subtegulum; Te = tegulum; Va = ventral apophysis.

  Part of: Ballarin F, Pantini P (2022) An unexpected occurrence: discovery of the genus Cybaeopsis Strand, 1907 in Europe with the description of a new species from Italy (Arachnida, Araneae, Amaurobiidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 98(2): 377-385.