Colouration of life Conraua kamancamarai sp. nov. from the Fouta Djallon and surrounding region, Guinea, illustrating variation in colour pattern and skin texture. a. From Dubreka, River Bindinbandan (10°22'21.9"N, 13°9'16.8"W, 199 m a.s.l.); b. From Dalaba, Chute de Ditinn; c. From Hörè Binti; d. From Dubreka, River Bindinbandan (10°22'21.9"N, 13°9'16.8"W, 199 m a.s.l.); e. From Dalaba, Chute de Ditinn; f. From Télimélé, locality Kourakoto, river Didounpouriguè (10°55'30.4"N, 13°47'39.4"W, 238 m a.s.l.); frogs in lower row in typical calling position, sitting in shallow water; specimens either not collected or not assignable to a voucher specimen, whereas the frogs from Hörè Binti and Chute de Ditinn can be assigned to Conraua kamancamarai sp. nov. without doubt; the other frogs may represent an undescribed Conraua.

  Part of: Neira-Salamea K, Doumbia J, Hillers A, Sandberger-Loua L, Kouamé NG, Brede C, Schäfer M, Blackburn DC, Barej MF, Rödel M-O (2022) A new slippery frog (Amphibia, Conrauidae, Conraua Nieden, 1908) from the Fouta Djallon Highlands, west-central Guinea. Zoosystematics and Evolution 98(1): 23-42.