Large chaetiger 10 (L10)/Wide chaetiger 10 (W10)-dependent variation of some morphological features in Marphysa teretiuscula (Schmarda, 1861a). A. First chaetiger where the branchiae start (R² = 0.7328, p = 1.65708E-05, n = 7); B. Last chaetiger where the postchaetal lobe is developed (R² = 0.7976, p = 0.00028646, n = 7); C. Chaetiger where the subacicular hook starts (R² = 0.6291, p = 2.02774E-07, n = 7).

  Part of: Molina-Acevedo IC, Idris I (2021) Unravelling the convoluted nomenclature of Marphysa simplex (Annelida, Eunicidae) with the proposal of a new name and the re-description of species. Zoosystematics and Evolution 97(1): 121-139.