Copulatory apparatuses of the species of the genus Radix. A. Radix auricularia (19.07.2007, Russia, Tyumen’ Region, Vylposl channel near Labytnangi Town); B. R. alticola (01.07.2016, Tajikistan, a warm brook near Dzhaushangoz village); C. R. euphratica (04.07.2016, Tajikistan, a roadside ditch near Kurban-Shakhid village); D. R. makhrovi, a paratype (after Aksenova et al. 2018a, modified). E. R. plicatula (26.11.2014, China, Bejing, an artificial pond in the former Emperor’s summer palace). F. R. rubiginosa (Malaysia, Kuala-Lumpur); G. R. rufescens (24.11.2016, Myanmar, Yetho River, near the dam). H. R. natalensis (05.08.2018, Uganda, crater lake Kyamwiga). Scale bars: 2 mm.

  Part of: Vinarski MV, Aksenova OV, Bolotov IN (2020) Taxonomic assessment of genetically-delineated species of radicine snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 96(2): 577-608.