Upper (A, C, E, G, I) and lower (B, D, F, H, J) teeth of S. shiraii sp. nov. (A, B; HUMZ 80329), S. mitsukurii (C, D; HUMZ 33680), S. japonicus (E, F; HUMZ 189737), S. brevirostris (G, H; HUMZ 189762) and S. suckleyi (I, J; NSMT-P 92640). Scale bars: 1 mm.

  Part of: Viana STFL, Carvalho MR (2020) Squalus shiraii sp. nov. (Squaliformes, Squalidae), a new species of dogfish shark from Japan with regional nominal species revisited. Zoosystematics and Evolution 96(2): 275-311. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.96.51962