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Hiding in Fouling Communities: A Native Spider Crab Decorating with a Cryptogenic Bryozoan in a Mediterranean Marina.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering9: 495.
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S.Yu. Sadogurskiy, T.V. Belich, S.О. Sadogurska (2022)
Supplement to the macroalgal flora of the Natural Reserve «Cape Martyan» (Crimea, the Black Sea).
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S. Ye. Sadogurskiy, T. V. Belich, S. A. Sadogurskaya (2023)
The Invasion of the Alien Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot in Coastal Phytocenoses Near the Southern Coast of Crimea (the Black Sea).
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S. Yu. Sadogurskyi , T. V. Belich , S. O. Sadogurska (2023)
Supplement to the Macroalgal Flora of the Natural Reserve "Cape Martyan" (Crimea, The Black Sea)
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S. Ye. Sadogurskiy, T. V. Belich, S. A. Sadogurskaya (2023)
Invasion of the Alien Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot in Coastal Phytocenoses near the Southern Coast of Crimea (the Black Sea).
Inland Water Biology16: 81.
DOI: 10.1134/S1995082923010145
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