Heteromysoides songkhlaensis sp. nov. Holotype, male (BL 3.2 mm, D–H, K), (NSMT-Cr 26744), allotype, female (BL 3.7 mm, L) (PSUZC 20190119-02.01), paratype, male (BL 3.6 mm, A–C, I, J, M) and female (BL 3.6 mm, N) (ZRC 2019.1095). A. Right sixth thoracopod; B. Right seventh thoracopod; C. Right eighth thoracopod; D–H. Right first to fifth pleiopods; I. Dorsal view of telson and uropods; J. Ventral view of right uropod; K–N. Dorsal view of telson. Scale bars: 0.2 (A–C, I–N); 0.1 mm (D–H).