Nyctibates corrugatus tadpole in life coloration (ZMB 82115, Gosner stage 26), from Ebo forest, southern Cameroon.

  Part of: Griesbaum F, Hirschfeld M, Barej M, Schmitz A, Rohrmoser M, Dahmen M, Mühlberger F, Liedtke HC, Gonwouo NL, Doumbia J, Rödel M (2019) Tadpoles of three western African frog genera: Astylosternus Werner, 1898, Nyctibates Boulenger, 1904, and Scotobleps Boulenger, 1900 (Amphibia, Anura, Arthroleptidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 95(1): 133-160.