Bayesiam 50% majority-rule consensus tree showing two major mitochondrial clades in Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1816). Numbers at the nodes correspond to posterior probabilities (left), maximum likelihood (middle) and maximum parsimony (right) bootstrap values. At the tips of the tree voucher numbers (see material list in the main part of the text), country codes (THA: Thailand; TIM: Timor Leste; IDN: Indonesia) and the river where specimens were collected are indicated. The inset map shows the distribution of mitochondrial clades in Thailand (clade A: blue dots; clade B: magenta dots) and major river systems. The letters a–c in the map refer to localities, for which climatic data were available (see also Fig. 12). The inset with box plots shows the altitudinal distribution of mitochondrial caldes A and B, respectively.

  Part of: Veeravechsukij N, Krailas D, Namchote S, Wiggering B, Neiber MT, Glaubrecht M (2018) Molecular phylogeography and reproductive biology of the freshwater snail Tarebia granifera in Thailand and Timor (Cerithioidea, Thiaridae): morphological disparity versus genetic diversity. Zoosystematics and Evolution 94(2): 461-493.