The male specimen SNMB N49068 of P. maria in the Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum in Braunschweig. The information written on the underside of the pedestal in black ink is as follows: “Paradisea maria R[ei]ch[eno]w. Neu-Guinea [= New Guinea] Köper Docke u. Co. Bremen C. N. 3423. Weber [?] det. [?]”. The white label written with pencil, which partly sticks above the former ink writing, reads as follows: “Real. Kat. 13143 Paradisea maria Rchw. ♂ Deutsch-N.-G. Eing. N° 3423” (= Realia Catalogue No. 13143, Paradisea maria Reichenow, ♂, German New Guinea, Entrance No. 3423). Photos by M. Forthuber.

  Part of: Koch A (2018) Discovery of a rare hybrid specimen known as Maria’s bird of paradise at the Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum in Braunschweig. Zoosystematics and Evolution 94(2): 315-324.