A–F, H–J. Pseudomurex ruderatus Sturany, 1896 in Monterosato ms., Corsica, France. Original figures in Sturany, 1896 (A, I). Specimen NHMW 28222a: front (B), side (C) and back (D) views, original label (E). Specimen NHMW 28222b: front (H), side (I) and back (J) view. G, K. Fusus craticulatus var. pianosana Sturany, 1896, Station 243, between Tremiti Islands and Pianosa Isl., Adriatic Sea, Italy, 103 m, original figures in Sturany, 1896. Scale bars: 1 mm.

  Part of: Albano PG, Schnedl S-M, Eschner A (2018) An illustrated catalogue of Rudolf Sturany’s type specimens in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NHMW): deep-sea Eastern Mediterranean molluscs. Zoosystematics and Evolution 94(1): 29-56. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.94.20116