5. Murex attenuatus Montagu, 1803 [Mangelia attentuata (Montagu, 1803)] 5.1 “Rowley box” containing lot EXEM Moll4255. 5.2 Two potential type specimens attached to Montagu blue card. 5.3 Apertural and abapertural views of the syntype in RAMM Exeter, EXEMS Moll4255a. 5.4 Syntype in NHMUK, NHMUK 1998074. 5.5 Second potential type specimen in RAMM Exeter is NOT M. attenuatus and not a British species. 6. Voluta bidentata Montagu, 1808 [Auriculinella bidentata (Montagu, 1808)] 6.1 Green paper covered block with Montagu hexagonal blue card attached. 6.2 Apertural and abapertural views of the entire syntype EXEMS Moll4101a. 7. Turbo biplicatus Montagu, 1803 [Alinda biplicata (Montagu, 1803)] 7.1 Two syntypes on Montagu hexagonal blue card, EXEMS Moll4124. 7.2 Apertural view of larger syntype, EXEMS Moll4124a. 7.3 Abapertural view of smaller syntype, EXEMS Moll4124b. 8. Turbo bryereus Montagu 1803 [Schwartziella bryerea (Montagu, 1803)] 8.1 Montagu blue card with 2 shells, EXEMS Moll4223. 8.2 Apertural and abapertural views of lectotype. EXEMS Moll4223/1. 8.3 SEM micrograph of apertural view of lectotype. EXEMS Moll4223/1. 8.4 Old NHMUK label indicating shells from the Laskey Collection. 8.5 Old NHMUK label {Turbo bryereus Monts. Mus Mont. Sent by Laskey who says he found them in Scotland}. 8.6 Apertural view of 1 of 6 shells from the Laskey Coll., NHMUK 20170130/1.