48. Turbo nivosus Montagu, 1803 [Jordaniella nivosa (Montagu, 1803)] 48.1 Base of box label, probably by Chaster but indicates provenance of Montagu Coll. 48.2 Apertural and abapertural views of unique syntype, NHMUK 1998049. 48.3 SEM of abapertural view of above, NHMUK 1998049. 49. Bulla obtusa Montagu, 1803 [Retusa obtusa (Montagu, 1803)] 49.1 “Rowley” box containing 15 syntypes EXEMS Moll4073-87. 49.2 Montagu hexagonal blue card with 6 sh. attached. 49.3 Apertural and abapertural views of syntype EXEMS Moll4074. 49.4 Apertural and abapertural views of syntype EXEMS Moll4073. 50. Mya ovalis Montagu, 1803 [Unio tumidus (Retzius, 1788)] 50.1 Exterior of right valve with registration disc attached to unique syntype EXEMS Moll4029. 50.2 Interior views of right and left valves of unique syntype EXEMS Moll4029. 51. Turbo pallidus Montagu, 1803 [nomen dubium] 51.1 Base of box label with original Montagu label “palidus” affixed. 51.2 Apertural and abapertural views of associated shell, is Ondina divisa NHMUK 1998068. 51.3 SEM of abapertural view of above, NHMUK 1998068. 52. Venus paphia Montagu, 1803 [Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778)] 52.1 Extract from register indicating identity as Venus paphia. 52.2 “Rowley” box containing 6sh. + 1v all syntypes, EXEMS Moll3841-6. 52.3 Exterior of right valve and interior of left valve of syntype EXEMS Moll 3841. 52.4 Exterior of left valve of syntype EXEMS Moll 3842.