a. 16S haplotype network of the Pardosa astrigera spiders; b. Network from NADH1; c. Network from COI: NHJ, Northeast Asia (Neimenggu+Heilongjiang, China+Korea+Japan); SGS, North China (Hebei+Henan+Shanxi+Sanxi, China); QHS, Northwest China (Qinghai+Gansu, China); YUG, Southwest China (Yunnan+Guizhou, China); HUA, Central China (Hubei+Hunan+Anhui, China); JSZ, East China (Jiangsu+Shandong+Zhejiang, China).

  Part of: Fu D, Liu L, Cheng Y, Chen H, Luo Y (2024) Population genetic structure and demographic history of the East Asian wolf spider Pardosa astrigera. Zoosystematics and Evolution 100(3): 791-802. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.100.125246