Onychoglomeris media Attems, 1935, stat. nov., lectotype male (A–C, NHMW MY3901) and paralectotype female (D–F, NHMW MY10425). A, D. Habitus, lateral views; B, E. Habitus, dorsal views; C, F. Collum, anterior and anterodorsal views respectively. Scale bars: 1 mm.

  Part of: Antić D, Wesener T, Akkari N (2024) Natural history collections help resurrecting Glomeris herzogowinensis Verhoeff, 1898 and further clarify the nomenclature of two Onychoglomeris subspecies of Attems (Diplopoda, Glomerida, Glomeridae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 100(2): 493-513. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.100.122288