Maximum-likelihood tree of Dicellophilus based on the dataset of COI, with the results of species delimitation by ASAP. Nodal values are obtained from the ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot), SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH-aLRT), and posterior probability (PP). The asterisk (*) indicates 100% in UFBoot, SH-aLRT, and 1.0 in PP. Hyphen (-) indicates lower than 95% in UFBoot, 80% in SH-aLRT, or 0.95 in PP. Nodal values are not shown when UFBoot, SH-aLRT, and PP values are <95%, <80%, and <0.95, respectively. The unit of evolutionary distance is the number of base substitutions per site. A broken square shows that the clade consisted of specimens from eastern Honshu. Abbreviations: Ai = Aichi Pref.; Fs = Fukushima Pref.; Gi = Gifu Pref.; Kn = Kanagawa Pref.; Ky = Kyoto Pref.; Mi = Mie Pref.; My = Miyagi Pref.; Ni = Niigata Pref.; Nn = Nagano Pref.; Sh = Shizuoka Pref.; Si = Saitama Pref.; To = Tokyo Pref.; Yn = Yamanashi Pref.