Maximum-likelihood tree of Dicellophilus based on the concatenated dataset of COI, 16S, and 28S, with the results of species delimitation by ASAP. Note that specimens whose COI sequence was not determined were included in the conferred species if they belonged to the same concerning clade to easily understand the result of species delimitation. Nodal values are obtained from the ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot), SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH-aLRT), and posterior probability (PP). The asterisk (*) indicates 100% in UFBoot, SH-aLRT, and 1.0 in PP. Hyphen (-) indicates lower than 95% in UFBoot, 80% in SH-aLRT, or 0.95 in PP. Nodal values are not shown when UFBoot, SH-aLRT, and PP values are <95%, <80%, and <0.95, respectively. The unit of evolutionary distance is the number of base substitutions per site. A broken square shows that the clade consisted of specimens from eastern Honshu. Abbreviations: Ai = Aichi Pref.; Fs = Fukushima Pref.; Gi = Gifu Pref.; Kn = Kanagawa Pref.; Ky = Kyoto Pref.; Mi = Mie Pref.; My = Miyagi Pref.; Ni = Niigata Pref.; Nn = Nagano Pref.; Sh = Shizuoka Pref.; Si = Saitama Pref.; To = Tokyo Pref.; Yn = Yamanashi Pref.