Phylogram of Rhacophorus inferred from a 16S rRNA mtDNA gene fragment. “*” denotes high support by bootstrap support values (BS > 75%) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP > 0.95); nodes without any numbers or symbols represent low support values (BS < 75% and BPP < 0.95). Outgroup taxa are not shown. The inserted photo (acknowledgment to Renda Ai) shows Rhacophorus dulongensis sp. nov. Scale bars represent the number of substitutions per site. The new samples for the present study are indicated by the red font. R. rhodopus is framed by the purple shade.

  Part of: Lee P-S, Liu B, Ouyang M, Ai R-D, Liu X-L, He Y-H, Huang P-Q, Li Y-C, Naveen RS, Yuan Z-Y, Chen J-M (2024) Hidden in the bamboo: A new parachuting frog (Rhacophoridae, Rhacophorus) from the borderlands of western China, with comments on the taxonomy of R. rhodopus. Zoosystematics and Evolution 100(3): 851-862.