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Sampling stations where Pleurobranchaea britannica sp. nov. material was collected. A. The map on the left shows the south of England: the red dots refer to the 2018 campaign and the green dots to the 2019 campaign; B. The map on the right shows part of Spain and the orange dot is where samples were collected in 2019.

A. Living specimens of Pleurobranchaea britannica sp. nov. collected on Survey CEND 0518, southwest England. Photo by Ross Bullimore (NHMUK 20230085); B. Two young individuals of P. britannica sp. nov. from the Gulf of Cadiz, Spain (

Pleurobranchaea britannica sp. nov. Scanning electron micrographs of radula and jaw. A. Complete radula (MNCN15.05/200180); B. Lateral teeth of radula (MNCN15.05/200180); C. View from above of the anterior part of the jaw (MNCN15.05/200180); D. Lateral view of the anterior part of the jaw (MNCN15.05/200180).

Pleurobranchaea britannica sp. nov. Reproductive system (NHMUK 20230088/5). Abbreviations: a – atrium; am – ampulla; bc – bursa copulatrix; dd – deferent duct; fg – female gland; hd – hermaphroditic duct; ov – oviduct; p – penis; pr – prostate; r – retractor muscle; ps – penis sac; sr – seminal receptacle; v – vagina.

Phylogenetic hypothesis of Pleurobranchaea systematics, based on concatenated dataset (COI+16S+H3) inferred by Bayesian analysis. Significant support values are given as BI posterior probabilities (below branch) and ML bootstrap percentages (above branch). Rectangles are automatic barcode gap discovery for the COI and 16S dataset. White rectangles indicate the lack of those sequences in the alignment.