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Article title
Key Words
Life cycle of trematodes
Survey of freshwater snails as the first intermediate hosts in Thailand
Freshwater Snails of the Thiaridae in Thailand
Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774)
Materials and methods
Sampling sites
Collection of snails
Examination for parasitic infections
Study of cercarial morphology
Melanoides tuberculata in Thailand
Habitat at the study sites in Thailand
Parasitic infections
Type 1. Parapleurophocercous cercariae
Type 2. Pleurophocercous cercariae
Type 3. Xiphidiocercariae
Type 4. Megalurous cercariae
Type 5. Furcocercous cercariae
Type 6. Echinostome cercariae
Type 7. Amphistome cercariae
Type 8. Renicolid cercariae
Type 9. Cotylomicrocercous cercariae
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