A–F. Chordodes brasiliensis, different specimens of number V7351. A, B. Higher magnification of crowned areoles. C, D. Crowned areoles with long apical filaments along the ventral midline (vml) in female specimen V7351e. E, F. Posterior end of a male (V7351c) with cloacal opening (co) and bristles around and in the region of the opening. G–J. C. jandae or C. skorikovi. G. Cuticular structures on the ventral side showing crowned areoles clusters with long filaments along the ventral midline and adjacent transition to clusters with short filaments (arrow). H, J. Magnification of crowned areoles. I. Different types of areoles: besides simple and crowned areoles (shown but not marked) there are bulging areoles (buar), thorn areoles (thar) and tubercle areoles (tuar). K, L. Chordodes japonensis, cuticular structure with tubercle areoles (tuar, encircled). Part of the cuticle is covered with larval cuticle (lc). M–P.Chordodes cf. japonensis, cuticle with different types of areoles: tubercle areoles (tuar, encircled in M), thorn areoles (thar) and circumcluster areoles (ccar) surrounding crowned areoles. Posterior end with cloacal opening (co).

  Part of: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (2016) The collection of Nematomorpha in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, including description of a new species, Chordodes jelkae sp. n. Zoosystematics and Evolution 92(2): 211-250. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.92.10351